Shelled Website
Some php files which will help you to gain symlink.
To download them click here
Firstly I want you to clear that it mostly works on Wordpress And Joomla sites only.
First open your shelled site and then make a new directory, of whatever name you want. Ex:- xyz .
Then in that directory upload the files which I have given you in upper section.
After that Click on -rw-r--r-- of .
Then from there change the value from 0644 to 0755 .
Then open the . In my case, to open, I'll go to .
Then leave this tab open. And then open nsuser.php. In my case the nsuser.php will be at
Then in that click on Eval.
Then click on Go button.
After copying paste it to the box which you have opened early. And then click on Dapatkan Config!
Then go back to directory where you have upload all the files. In my case, it was
In that directory you will get all the config files of the sites hosted on the server.
[Brief Note On Config Files :- Config Files are those which contains the database name and username, password also.]
Now you have done successfully.
You have now database name, username of database and also the password.
Now may be you have a question how to connect with database or where to put these credentials.
So lets begin:-
Now the file ida.php from where you have uploaded. In my case the ida.php file is in .
After that click on sql.
Then in Login - Type username
Password - Type password
Database - Type database name
Then click on double arrow ">>" button.
Now you are connected to database.
After that make a check mark in wp_user and then click on dump.
[Note:- There may be chances that the wp_user can renamed to another name, for example db_user etc.]
After that the dump.sql will saved at, where you have uploaded the previous files. In may case, the file dump.sql saved at .
So now lets open the dump.sql .
Boom !! now we have got the admin username, password and email.
Now use these credentials to login the admin panel.
But now you have the question where I put these credentials and how to know these credentials are of which site.
So now lets begin.
Copy the name of the db_user [which was found in the config file in .txt format]
Now in my case the db_user is localbus_main.
Now again open the ida.php,and then go to under Symlink section, by clicking on the Symlink.
After that click on Whole Server Symlink. Then there you a huge list of sites which are are hosted on the server.
Now then to find the site of which you got the credentials. Simply press ctrl+F then type your db_user name.
In my case the db_user is localbus,so i'll try to search localbus.
Now your targeted site is infront of the username. Now login to your targeted site and do what ever you want.
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